Operations in the Aerodrome Environment with UAS according to the new zoning of RD517/2024

Drone by Drone continues to carry out operations using UAS under the new specification of UAS geographical areas contained in Royal Decree 517/2024.

In this case, the operations carried out within sight of the Hondarribia Airport Control Tower are within the general UAS geographic area due to operational safety in the aerodrome environment (defined in article 41) and within the general UAS geographic area for reasons of citizen security and the protection of people and property in an urban environment (defined in article 40). In order to carry out flights using drones in these scenarios, it is necessary to have the coordination or authorizations of the appropriate managers, as well as to have made the corresponding communication in this case to the Security Department of the Basque Government.

In addition, the flight must respect the ground risk limitations derived from the category in which it falls, having to pay special attention or limit the flight area, with respect to non-participating persons.

Small regulatory changes represent a challenge for any organization or operator, including the administration itself, but being able to adapt to them quickly and effectively generates a competitive advantage that at Drone by Drone we know how to take advantage of due to our in-depth technical training.

The small modifications introduced with the entry into force of the new Royal Decree 517/2024 are good news for the sector, since it harmonizes UAS operations as far as Spanish powers are concerned, with the operational criteria of European regulations. In addition, it clearly defines the geographic areas of UAS under article 15 of Implementing Regulation 947/2019 with more reasonable dimensions according to the risk posed by low-level drones and clarifies outdated concepts in state regulations.

In short, at Drone by Drone we will continue to take advantage of the legal possibilities to be able to carry out the most complex UAS operations.

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